Friday, November 2, 2007

Feeling a little misunderstood

This post is dedicated to my good friend Aryn.

Recently she was in the grocery store where she was approached by someone asking for donations for a charitable organization. The girl asked, "Would you like to donate a dollar to breast cancer?" Aryn, being the funny, clever girl she is, responded, "No, thank you. I'm actually opposed to breast cancer." Funny, right? Apparently not to the volunteer. According to Aryn, "She sort of cocked her head, squinted her eyes and said, 'Well, aren't we all?!'"

Oh, the futility of wasted humor.....

I had a moment sort of similar to that a few years back--where I said something I thought was hilarious and the person to whom I directed my comment JUST DIDN'T get it.

I was ordering lunch at Sensuous Sandwich in Salt Lake. The guy taking my order subjected me to the usual battery of questions, given the circumstances:
HIM: Tomaoes, lettuce, pickles, onions?
ME: Yes, please.
HIM: Mayo, mustard?
ME: Yes.
HIM: Horsey?
ME: Neigh (whinnying and shaking my head a horse refusing a bit of apple)
HIM: (.....silence.....)
ME: Hahahaha!
HIM: (...prolonged silence...)
ME: Ummm, no thank you.

It was weird...I felt as though I had to apologize for being funny....AND CLEVER!!!

It was wrong.


The Local Malcontent said...

It can happen to the best of us, Belle (or so they tell me). Relax. Just a little sign that your sense of humor is well oiled, fine tuned, and a whole lot better than the sandwich guy. Same with your friend Aryn and that woman.

dont know if you'd like to read a real bad example of incidental humor or not, but here is an address to copy, paste and laugh:

Take care, go BAMA, ROLL TIDE, BEAT LSU!

Aryn said...

SB, rest assured that your fabulous self (including that sharp wit) is not wasted on the world. Not to mention the hair. I swear I could conquer the world with that hair...