Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Biscuits and Pork Chops...it's NOT what's for dinner

A friend had a great post today about a AAA baseball affiliate team in Allentown, PA. The team, the Iron Pigs, have as their mascot a large pig, affectionately named “Pork Chop.” Clever, right? Not so, say some local Hispanics, who apparently feel slighted by the mascot’s name, claiming it is (I'm not making this up) an ethnic slur. Under pressure from the group, the team changed the mascot's name to Ferrous. The name change, while actually quite clever, nevertheless, ticks me off.

When I read things like this I'm infuriated. It kind of makes me want to scream,"HEY! They're slaughtering Christians in the Sudan, yet somehow THIS PIG'S NAME has become your personal front burner issue. I can't believe THIS is the hill you want to die on!" I daresay silly, symbolic gestures such as this must constitute an insult for people of Hispanic origin who are reasonable, productive members of society.

First of all, I seriously doubt naming the mascot "Pork Chop" was intended to be any sort of an ethnic slur. Let's face it, the name made more sense than "Chicken Little," right? And, according to industry insiders, pork is officially "the other white meat." (NOW, who's the focus of the "racial slur"?)

Second, I find wisdom in these words: "He who takes offense when none was intended is a fool. He who take offense when offense WAS intended, is a BIGGER fool." (Emphasis added) If, indeed, the name of the mascot was chosen solely in hopes of offending Hispanics, then mission accomplished...thanks to the small cadre of complaining Hispanics.

You know, sometimes it's best to just embrace the "tag" you're given. I'm originally from Alabama and occasionally (and by "occasionally" I mean "unceasingly") people across the US think people from the South are, well, less than bright. In fact, sometimes, in referring to an idiot, they will call that person a "Bama." My response? It was likely meant as a compliment! Ain't no shame in 'Bama, baby!

You know, sometimes non-Southerners refer to Southerners as "biscuits." Again, I say, "Ain't no shame in biscuits!" Apparently lots of people agree with me because when the capital city of Montgomery held a contest in order to decide the name for it's new AA baseball affiliate team, the "Montgomery Biscuits" got the winning vote.

And I tell you what, those loyal fans in Montgomery LOVE their Biscuits! When the opposing team is up to bat, the chatter begins and all over Riverwalk Stadium you hear, "Hey, Butter, Butter...Hey Butter, Butter...SWING Butter!" And during the games they actually use air cannons to shoot biscuits into the crowd! Um, um, um! Nothin' beats fresh biscuits...except, maybe, fresh biscuits and a cold Coke-Cola! (Don't you just love the pat of butter in the little cartoon biscuit's mouth?)

At any rate, the point is it's not necessary to take offense over every little issue. Reserve indignant responses for stuff that really matters. In the mean time, put a biscuit in it.


Rich said...

Haha, I completely agree people get way too bent out of shape over little things!

Garity said...

Funny, I was thinking of you as I was making sweet potato biscuits Thursday night, (why I was thinking of you is probably because the recipe I was using was from "The Sweet Potato Queen's Big Ass Cookbook" and you are my favorite Southern belle and everytime I crack that book open I wonder if you have read it...freaking hilarious book with loads of butter involved...a must read...oh and my sweet potato biscuits ROCK by the way) hence my e-mail stating that I have been thinking of you lately, you share your blog address in response to my e-mail and the first entry I read happens to mention biscuits...it's a crazy world I tell you and we are all connected...Can't wait to read the previous entries! -gert

Aryn said...

The "other white meat" - ROTFL.

I couldn't agree with you more on this one. Are we sure the offendee wasn't just a bit porky back in the day? Maybe that's why he was called pork chop? Seriously, call me insensitive, but I had no idea "pork chop" was a racial slur.

As for the Montgomery Biscuits... I find that slightly fantastic. I can think of few more enjoyable ways to spend an evening than watching a baseball game with biscuits falling down on me from heaven. Consider me a fan.